"The Problem with Puppies"
Nothing is cuter than a puppy. Nothing. I truly believe nature designed them this way to keep them alive, because heaven knows if it weren't for the cute factor, we would easily kill them. They go from adorable, chubby, tumbling balls of puppy breath that follow us around and seem to come when they are called to a creature we barely can stand very quickly.
Initially, it becomes easy to be ok with cleaning up a small mess, a potty accident, or forgive a chewed on shoe when they are small and adorable.
Fast forward to twelve weeks old and we are over it!! Now, everything is annoying and what's worse, they are no longer small and fuzzy, they are gangly, independent, and frankly more work.
I wish I could tell you it gets better, but the truth is this is where management techniques, training, and routine change happen. Most dogs will require us to grin and wait for them to turn two years old before we start to like them again.
Our perfect older dogs are totally to blame. They have allowed us to be lazy where a puppy will allow none of that. They require work, exercise and structured routine. They require us to change.
It can be easy to allow other dogs in the household to "tire the puppy out", but they will bond to the other dogs and not care at all about the human side of things if this happens. Always remember, a human will never be as much fun as another canine.
If you are going through puppy hell, just keep going. Invest the time in your puppies first six months. Limit their play with other dogs. Become the center of their world. Get to know each other. You only get this stage once in a dogs life. Set it up to be successful.
Remember, life is stressful. Training your dog should not be!